2025-01-10 15:29:01
本文摘要:China is developing a new generation of reusable manned spacecraft that can operate in both low-earth orbit and manned moon landing missions, Zhang Bainan, chief designer of manned spacecraft at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, revealed last Tuesday.中国航天科技集团载人飞船总设计师张柏楠上周二透漏,我国新一代可重复使用载人飞船正在研制中,既能展开近地轨道飞行中,又能继续执行载人登月任务。China is developing a new generation of reusable manned spacecraft that can operate in both low-earth orbit and manned moon landing missions, Zhang Bainan, chief designer of manned spacecraft at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, revealed last Tuesday.中国航天科技集团载人飞船总设计师张柏楠上周二透漏,我国新一代可重复使用载人飞船正在研制中,既能展开近地轨道飞行中,又能继续执行载人登月任务。Among the worlds new manned spacecraft, only the US Orion spacecraft is capable of carrying out manned moon landing missions, Zhang said.张柏楠回应,目前全世界的新一代载人飞船中,只有美国的猎户座飞船不具备继续执行载人登月任务的能力。According to Zhang, manned spacecraft developed by foreign countries can carry at most 6 people into low-earth orbit, with a maximum of 3 to 4 people for a moon landing.据张柏楠讲解,现阶段国外研发的载人飞船在近地轨道上的最低载人能力为6人,登月最低载人能力为3至4人。Our new generation spacecraft aims to match or reach beyond the international level, he said.他回应:“我们的新一代飞船将力争超过或者多达国际水平。
”As yet, China hasnt officially approved the project of developing a new generation of manned spacecraft.到目前为止,中国还没月批准后研制新一代载人飞船的项目。Facing intense international competition, it could be too late if we set about developing them after receiving project approval. We must do it ahead of time. explains Zhang.张柏楠回应说明道:“面临白热化的国际竞争,如果我们在接到项目批准后之后再行著手研制,那有可能就太晚了。
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